Today, we sit down with Nai to ask her a few questions about her latest release, “Charge It To The Game: Real B*tches At The Table."
Here’s another peek into the mind of one of the hot new voices here at URBAN AINT DEAD:
1. Before we get any deeper in this interview, we must ask… what inspired the dope title of this book? No one can deny that when we read it, we get excited and curious about what the pages of this story contain. Help us understand what was going through your mind when you came up with it.
Honestly, the title was just really catchy and I’m big on catchy titles. Now, that subtitle, that was the one. When I started to put my characters together, I said to myself that because the women were gonna be on some big boss energy I had to make the subtitle match that. I was kinda leery about the B word on there though, hence the asterisk instead of the letter I lol.
2. As a seasoned author in the industry, what is different and special about this book than any of your previous ones?
I’m not sure what we consider seasoned but owww, thank you for the compliment. Umm, what’s special about this book is the development. I’m used to writing two part series but this book is set to be three parts. That said, the planning of the characters and the way I’ve mapped everything out has been different. I’m enjoying the build up to the action and drama.
3. Being that you are known as, “The Hood Love Dealer,” what are you dealing to your readers with this story? What should we look forward to receiving?
Listen, I wrote this book for my thoroughbreds with a heart. My boss women that play by their own rules and mark their own paths. Look forward to witty, funny, and I KNOW YOU LYIN’ moments.
4. Which scene in this book did you have the most fun writing? Why?
I honestly enjoyed writing the whole book. I like writing the funny parts most because in my head, I’m a comedian. I try to give my readers a little laugh here and there.
5. What do you think your readers are going to love or appreciate the most about this story?
I think they’re going to love the vibe and the overall pace of the story. I know how the readers like to tussle about storylines and although there have been stories about women in position, I think this story has a unique way of showing them.
6. When readers get ready to open this book, what should we keep in mind?
That my pen is still penning and it only gets greater later. And…. Anything a man can do a WOMAN can do BETTER.
7. What are you anticipating the most with the release of “Charge It To The Game: Real B*tches At The Table?”
The feedback. I’ve been in a different headspace while writing this book (a good thing of course). My last release was in November so I’m excited to see what the readers think about their new favorite characters.